"Industrial Syndrone" will be officialy released on 7th of September on tape/download and CDr format.
For fans of heavy industrial drone noises.
Tape will be released by Cruel Nature Records and they are already done and available to pre-order. Here's a few words from our label: THIRD I / RAVEN - 'Industrial Syndrone' C20 - an immense work of industrial noise-drone from two of Serbia's long-standing acclaimed sound artists http://cruelnaturerecordings.bandcamp.com/album/industrial-syndrone.
Here's how next CNR batch looks like:
and this is tape version of cover:
click to enlarge |
CDr is released by Human Cross Records and this is promo flyer:
click to enlarge |
and CD version of the cover:
click to enlarge |
Both versions contain back and insert covers as well.
If you want your copy, please contact labels first.
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