Sunday, November 28, 2021

Listen to our new single and don't forget to use your brain

Krstareći po noise/drone/industrial talasima od 2006. godine, oscilirajući između Niša i Ćuprije, Predrag Živanović (Figurative Theatre, Terror Couple) i Nenad Popović (Helly Cherry webzine) su se kao THIRD I vratili posle petogodišnje pauze i kompilacijske kasete "Nice Collection (2008-2016)", stoga je pred vama "Use your brain!". 

Njihova muzika, pored jake eksperimentalne potke nudi savršeni odnos i sonični sudar mašine i čoveka, koji u trenucima umiruje, ali i opominje uznemirujućim zvucima. Za nespremne uši, nenaviknute na takve frekvencije i semplove, koji predstavljaju jedinstveni uvid u um modernog čoveka, opterećenog tehnologijom, to može biti i blagoslov i kletva.

Kako su nastupila trenutna (ne)vremena, nikada nije bilo potrebnije promišljati o situaciji, statusu čoveka kao izgubljene jedinke u samostvorenom sistemu, stoga je nova pesma THIRD I-ja jasna naznaka šta nam je svima činiti, kako ne bismo pali u ambis sopstvenih često pogubnih namisli. Da bi bilo jasno u potpunosti, vizuelni deo priče je podjednako mračan, u duhu "nove kuge".

Ne "pametnom dosta", nego pamet u glavu, kako kažu naši stari. 

Daniel Tikvicki

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Radio emisija "Ispod površine" 10 godina kasnije

Ispod Površine je bila emisija koja se manje vise redovno emitovala na B.I.Radiju a onda iznenada nestala. Par godina kasnije isto tako iznenada isplivala je ova nikada emitovana epizoda, snimljena pre čak 10 godina, baš onda kada je i Third I počinjao.
Njen autor je Branislav Nikolic, ljudina koja nas je od privh dana podržavala u našem radu. Velika je čast i zadovoljstvo naći se među ovim imenima. :)

A sada dajemo reč Banetu:

"Nema nas dugo.
Objektivnosti i slabosti.
Ipak, veceras, posle dugo vremena, novo izdanje. Novo izdanje ali samo kakvo…
Nas prijatelj koga zovemo MUJO (harddisk inace) iznedrio je nesto sto smo radili pre skoro 10 godina, nesto nasta smo skoro pa i zaboravili da se desilo i eto to vam prezentujemo sada.
Originalno ovaj mix je bio predvidjen za jednu stranjsku radio stanicu, ali kako vec to slucaj zivot oznacava, premijerno se objavljuje ovde.
Nema najava, mix je bez price, a ovoga puta nece biti ni da potpisujemo godine kada su numere nastale. Dakle, prosecna starost ovih numera je oko 20 godina.

Veceras in d mix slusate…

01. Autopsia (Ruma) – Fist Fuck
02. Third I (Cuprija) – Cold Chamber
03. Klopka za Pionira (Pancevo) – Karta sveta
04. Supernaut (Beograd) – Nize nego ljudski/LSDB/Pobuna masina
05. Kazimirov Kazneni Korpus (Beograd) – Paraliticne shizoidne devojke
06. Stuttgart Online (Beograd) – 2 miliona ljudi
07. Profili Profili (Beograd) – Ventilatori
08. Dr Spira i ljudska bica (Beograd) – Psyhoneurosis
09. TeloNaukaSovrsena (Struga) – Son
10. Luna (Novi Sad) – Lambo
11. Dobri Isak (Nis) – Ona se igra nozem
12. Grad (Novi Sad) – Maske
13. 4Tune (Beograd) – Kao
14. VaNaMa (Valjevo) – Skoci
15. Moskri (Beograd) – Pajdo Koma
16. Tamara Saric (Beograd) – Moj si lilihip
17. Betty Boop (Beograd) – Macho
18. Bebi Dol (Beograd) – Inshalah
19. Haj`mo (Beograd) – Znash da
20. Berliner Strasse (Beograd) – Maske
21. Shizike (Beograd) – Be-Bop
22. Oskraova fobija (Beograd) – Beli dekolte
23. Via Talas (Beograd) – Sama
24. Fantasticni mehanicari (Beograd) – Kuriri noci
25. Boye (Novi Sad) – Kafe na dnu okeana
26. Ajfel na kraju (Beograd) – Mahatma
27. Ball (Beograd) – Iscezavam
28. Rex Illusivi (Novi Sad) – Ptice
29. Lola V. Stein (Skopje) – Imam sjenu novu, nema telo danju
30. Buka i bes (Kikinda) – Angel
31. Stuttgart online (Beograd) – Muzika je vazna
32. Kole Kojot i ptica trkacica stike again IPAK (Beogrard) – 5 Minutes

Eto, toliko od nas za ovaj put.
Znate i sami sta cemo reci na kraju …
Letite kao leptir i ubadajte kao osa….

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ne pišu samo strani mediji o nama :)

Kul magazin Kultur Kokoška u svojoj rubrici "Slušaj ove bendove... danas!" između ostalih preporučuje zašto bi baš nas trebalo da poslušate:
"Ovaj tamni vilajet u muzici je prava skrivena poslastica za sve one željne da istražuju sopstvenu percepciju, jer će THIRD I pružiti savršen saundtrek za one mračne, usamljene sate kada ste prepušteni sebi i sopstvenim demonima koje dočekujete kao prijatelje." 

Ostatak pročitajte u nastavku.

Hvala Kultur Kokoški na vremenu i pažnji koji su nam posvetili. Nadamo se da ćete i vi.

klikni na sliku ako ne vidiš dobro


Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Substitutional Tears" review on Yeah I know it sucks blog

Click on the image to enlarge

Artist: WeAreAllSlaves/Third I/Antitalent
title: Substitutional Tears
keywords: experimental, improvisation, noise

Three artists with the ability & love to mold sounds, have come together to bring some friendship in to their production. With a cold and yet oddly warm breeze of wind their collaboration takes form as the sounds of dark ambient flows in. There is this voice that gives the recording a vibe as if we have gone to a church of something either being evil or good. The introduction of the bass slowly gives me the vibe of hearing the soundtrack of a retro cult movie in which a movie like ‘the Ghoulies’ or ‘Troll’ & ‘Troll2’ would have become a much more watchable cinematic experience.

The darkness of it all has something magical, yet it’s sketching something of a ritual in which hooded weirdoes drink blood from a wine glass and offer innocent creatures on an altar at some place misty and dark. It’s intriguing, a bit like a cult occult horror movie for the ears without really bringing fear in the mix, but more music that feeds the evil side inside of you something to munch on.

There is the moment in which the music seems to expand as if the offering to the unknown deity has been successful and a bunch of dark clouds gather together to celebrate the done deal. After a bit of weather manipulation the music starts to become strangely brewing in dark powers, it’s coming to life and starts to hiss its poisonous breath all in the listener’s ears. It’s as a bit like receiving a blessing from some kind of powerful but slightly dark demon, who had been ask to  snug up unexpectedly and stick its tongue down our listening holes, perhaps it’s saliva will come dripping out as if it being substitutional tears.

5th of August 2015.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Substitutional Tears remixed

Only few days have passed since "Substitutional Tears" were officially out, and yet we got an interesting email from new Serbian noise act Nekro Batica. "Tears" were quite interesting and inspiring to him so he decided to do remix of that collaboration. We'd like to recommend you this track since his version is a lot different from atmosphere and ambient we made. He added new view and dimension to our idea.
His version of our track is part of Batica's latest release made of few remixes and two new songs. Release is titled "Sounds form the torture chamber" and will be out on CDr soon. Untill then, feel free to download it from here

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our friends, world wide

Here's our split with Psy-Factor that found home all the way to North Mexico. As you can see, the party is still on.
Ave Negra is our new friend! Cheers to you Ave!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Substitutional Tears is OUT NOW!

click on the image to enlarge
Not only people go out on Friday night. Some pretty cool new releases are out tonigh as well. 
"Substitutional Tears" is 3 way collaboration. This time we joined forces with two new, young and promising Serbian "noisicians" Weareallslaves and Antitalent. This new track brings you (dark) ambient, emotive, deep and horror touch. CDr was co-released by Serbian JBK records and Australian Smell the Stench and you can order it from them.
Track sample for free streaming and download:

Friday, January 9, 2015

Cities in Desolation (Part III) is OUT NOW!

click on the image to enlarge
Collaboration between American Vitriol Gauge and Serbian Third I brings you 20 minutes of desolated drone industrial ambient noises. Artword was done by comic artist Kostja Ribnik. CDr was released by Smell the Stench and you can order from them, or from Leigh, mastermind of the label directly.
Track sample for free streaming and download:

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Well, its time to say goodbye to 2014.

It was i bit lazy year for us, two split releases with two singles. But we're not complaining. We don't want to force anything. We were a bit saturated, we needed a rest to feel this great urge of creating process. The urge was back in December so in two weeks we finished two collaborations.
One more reason for our releasing pause is that we are still waiting one release to be out, and we sincerely hope it will happen' in 2015.

So for all of you interested in our work here are some releases we expect in first quarter of 2015.

- Two years long waited split and collaboration with Meinkinder. This piece of art will be released on tape by Cruel Nature Records. The tape will include split we did in 2007. and collaboration we did in 2012. after get in touch again. We must say that this will be kind of a special release since Meinkinder was one of the first acts we did split. Cover for this tape was done by Punk Bastard Design.

- In the beginning of December we collaborated with Vitriol Gauge and the result is 20 minutes drone, industrial, ambient, noise track titled "Cities in Desolation (Part III)". This will be released on worldwide known label from "Down Under" - Smell the Stench. Cover was done by Kostja Ribnik aka Smrznik and his Stripnjak Comics.

- The week after we did one more special 3 way collaboration with Antitalent and Weareallslaves. This was interesting concept to work on since all three acts were a bit different, but we managed to find nice balance and we are very thrilled with final result - track "Substitutional Tears". We expect this to be out as soon as we get the cover done (probably in January-February 2015.). Cover will be done by this great artist Doom Chylde Illustration.

As you can see, a lot of stuff is cooking at the moment. There are some plans for some future collaborations, special releases but we'll talk about that when we have something more precise to say.

Till next time, love you all and NOISE ON!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Niš music scene on Radio Bruskin in Music 2 play in the dark special edition

Niš music scene on Radio Bruskin in Music 2 play in the dark special edition.

DOWNLOAD or listen online here.

Niška muzička scena na radiju Bruskin, Music 2 play in the dark specijal.

Niš je grad bogate muzičke istorije. U njemu, u ovom trenutku, rade 3 nezavisne izdavačke kuće: Balkan Rock Records, Tribal Rajber i Blackplanet Records.

3 izdavačke kuće a samo par klubova za svirke, pre svih Feedback koji je godinama unazad održavao scenu na okupu, bilo da je reč o DJ sceni ili o svirkama. Tu je i Black Stage, ali sve je to premalo za grad u kome je muzička ponuda tako šarena, da moj izbor odozdo možda i nije najsrećniji i najlogičniji sa DJ strane, ali veoma značajan u promotivne svrhe.

Uprkos gore pomenutoj situaciji i manjku prostora kako za svirke, tako i za probe, kvalitet je neosporan, što će te čuti na Radiju Bruškin iz Kotora, našim velikim saborcima koje svaki ljubitelj prave muzike mora da isprati.

Prvi deo serijala o niškoj sceni slušamo u petak 19.12.2014. u 23:00 h na

Setlista je sledeća:
2.Sizife daj kamen-Zelja lakih zabava
6.Kisa kerozina - Dok hodam
7.Red River Valley -Wither
8.Paydo Komma -Stanje duha
9.Plastic Sunday -Negde
10.The Combs-Half-Cat
11.Stereolimit -Dimenzije
12.Plasma-Arc Machining -Dance the Devil Dead
13.Spasm -How to cope with depression baeebe
14.Mrtavci-Sve sto zelim
15.Kontras -Bleja
16.Totalni Klosari-Diskoteka
17.Polarni Fazani -Godine
18.Dok 7 - Jos jedan blam
19.Streetcore Unity -Into the System
20.T -Error -Fake
21.Styptic -Symmetry
22.Wagner hat lang gehalten -Der Nebel
23.Stentor -This world is to blame
24.Proces -Dusanovom ulicom
25.Marconiero @ Jayus Jazz-Trazim coveka
26.Ding Dong -Celav sam pa sta
27.Defence -Pozoristance
28.Plasma-Rave Ban
29.Stereo Banana -Lako je prutu da se sokoli
30.Figurative Theatre - Svet ce opet biti savrsen
31.Third I -Postapocalyptic Discoteque *live
32.Margita je mrtva -Blitzmadel
33.Dobri Isak -Sinoc si sanjao da si pas
34.Trivalia-Ruza i krst
35.G - Bikers like me
36.Bojan Ilic bokerini i Paganska ljubav - Znam sta ste radili proslog sleta *slam poezija*
37.Underdogs - I got my Mojo
38.Boy Jan -Instant
39.Limbo - Mali ljudi
40.Marica -Hypercube
41.Puls - Strah
42.Agnus Dei -Planeta zemlja
43.Marc Rainey -Wallpapers
44.Eyot -Driffters
45.There -Overdose
46.CA-15 Morning tricks me

U drugom delu serijala spremamo jos dobrih bendova i nove muzike, mozete me kontaktirati u inbox ukoliko imate sugestije, predloge za listu, posaljete vase pesme..

DJ Dadawave (Pedja Živanović)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Here are some news and upcomming releases

- Recently we finished collaboration with Vitriol Gauge. 20 minutes of ambient, drone, noises titled "Cities in desolation (Part III)".
Currently we're looking for a label to relase it on CDr or tape. If you're a label or know some that'd be interested in this sounds please let us know.
Also, we're looking for some cover motives and ideas for this release.

- Also, we're currently working on 3 way collaboration with Pičvajz and his Antitalent, and Weareallslaves. Collaboration is still in progress so we'll see how it will turn out.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"Of God, Humans and Machine" 3 way split is OUT NOW!

click on the image to enlarge
"Of God, Humans and Machine" 3way split is out now on Human Cross Records.
Industrial, ambient split and collaboration between :dARM, H14 and Third I comes on multimedia Mini CDr.
Order directly from the label:

Strictly limited edition so act fast!

click on the image to enlarge

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Our comic premiered at Annual Art Exhibition in 2014.

On November 5th, my hometown Ćuprija had an opportunity to host annual art exhibition. I had a privilege to be one of the authors participating in this event with a comic that I made with Kostja Ribnik (in noise community also known as HNW act Smrznik).

After some appearance in couple of fanzines and magazines, Kostja and I are very glad we had a chance to present our work among other artists. The significance of this exhibition is grater considering that there are rare occasion to present an alternative approach to art in my hometown.

In case you’ve missed it, „So many“ is noise n’ comic collaboration. You can find more about on our blog here and facebook page.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Some Third I releases found their new home

Some Third I releases found their new home at Filip's from Weareallslaves. We hope they will play him some sweet lullaby during cold winter nights, "The Birds" especially.  Sweat dreams! :)

click to enlarge